What do you recommend then? Android has bad UX, you are against apple?
only brain dead people use apple devices, especially with bitcoin.
Android has bad UX
If you trade your privacy and freedom for some fancy UX, then again, you get what you fucking deserve.
read: #447944
But 2 billion people have an iphone, don’t these people have the right to use bitcoin?
Not everyone likes android, can’t stacker news see your ip or twitter?
don’t these people have the right to use bitcoin?
There's no such thing. Bitcoin is not for the weak, only for the brave.
But 2 billion people have an iphone
That doesn't mean also they have brains... they are just a herd of sheeps.
That’s plain silly. How will you get bitcoin adoption if you exclude 2 billion people?
Your ideas are a lie. Bitcoin is for everyone. Anyone stating otherwise is a malicious liar
I do not exclude them. They exclude themselves.
Bitcoin is for everyone
You are wrong. Is for "everyone that want to learn", not anyone... is a big difference.
Who are you to set rules? Who are you to dictate that Bitcoin is for “everyone that wants to learn?”
You are demonstrating your ignorance. I Use Breez and Wallet of Satoshi daily with my iPhone, I don’t feel excluded.
You are spreading lies here and discouraging/excluding people because something doesn’t fit your narrative.
It doesn't matter who am I. I do not set rules, I only speak truth. And truth hurts.
Sorry but your ideas are silly, this is the only truth here. Bitcoin is not a cult and it is for everyone. You don’t need to understand Bitcoin to use it. This is a fact.
Good luck getting Bitcoin adoption with Huawei phones