By Douglas French
While the candidates argue about the border and the rights of the unborn, who will speak up for a currency that continues to have its purchasing power ruined? Imagine what little value will be left three decades from now.
It's surprising that none of them is talking about dollar's health. However, we can't blame Trump as he's already made it clear that he'd hedge Bitcoin against USD for USA!!
We can, however, hold the $6T of Covid stimulus against him.
"The dollar’s value has been demolished in just the 30 years since Rothbard wrote The Case Against The Fed. While the candidates argue about the border and the rights of the unborn, who will speak up for a currency that continues to have its purchasing power ruined? Imagine what little value will be left three decades from now." As I got farther into the article, I noticed how poor we are becoming as a country. Can you imagine 30 more years of this?
No. By definition, unsustainable things eventually end.
Right. They are just pawning off their debt. You can see how bad this country has gotten with his explanation about the gold.
"Once the debt was reduced by $5 trillion the Federal government could then ramp up its debt level again. Dollar weaker, debt level lower. It’s a win-win. Except, of course, this would be very inflationary." Are you joking me, how is this win win? Us having a weaker dollar will bring even more choas! If Trump does what he says he is going to do...bitcoin is in for a wild ride!
I think that's meant from Trump's perspective. A weaker dollar is considered better for trade.
I think that's a silly idea, but it's how most people think.
Trumps ideas are not always right. I think a stronger dollar would make america stronger as a whole.