I agree and disagree with your opinion. Yes, it is true, an external military intervention is not necessarily needed, what is really needed is for the people to be well armed, secondly, eliminating Maduro is not enough, if they remove him, Diosdado or Delcy Rodriguez take the position and everything would remain the same, they will continue to have in their power the National Guard, the FANB (national Bolivarian armed forces), the police, they continue to be owners of the CNE (national electoral council), they continue to be owners of the TSJ (supreme court of justice), and owners of any power in the country... in that case it is necessary that everyone be gathered in one place and that a bomb falls on them or, failing that, several infiltrated men and that you eliminate them all in a single day. Do you have that budget? I don't know, they should. Is it a simple job? Of course not, Maduro and none of them walk in public, they have an exhaustive control of the people around them, without going too far, there are 5 rows of soldiers protecting a damn statue of Chavez on Margarita Island, now imagine the amount of protection that surrounds those people. Venezuelans have been fighting for more than 20 years, but it is difficult to fight with stones when your enemies have weapons and military intelligence. That is why there is talk of asking for international military help, because the Venezuelan military are damned sellout rats, another important fact to note is that Maduro brings Cubans to his military forces to massacre Venezuelans and now there is talk of Russians as well.