I don't really care. Don't create heroes. They will disappoint you. Many such cases.
Long answer:
Saylor is a statist. I don't mean that as crassly as it sounds. Most of my friends and family are more statist than Saylor. He also runs a public company. It kinda makes me chuckle how bent out of shape people get about good ole Mike. Mike is far more based than most bitcoiners IMO. The balls to do what he has done are incredible. Most of us have far less to lose than Mike.
If he's being honest in his statements it makes sense. He's running a company and being in the public eye is a big deal. Its his money. Its his company. Its his neck on the line. We will never live in a world where we all agree on bitcoin. Never gonna happen guys. I hate to break it to you.
Go live your life. Mike can't change bitcoin.