Also I'd add the argument that in order to reach the communist utopia you need to surrender your right of property to commune. But you can't just throw away or take one liberty from someone without crushing the others, and it doesn't matter which be it the economic liberty, free speech, free travel etc.. You need to enforce, or else the other fellow human won't care about the rule. And communism requires ALL to surrender the economic liberty.
I like the affirmation of Hayek that the evil roots of nazism is the socialism, even though one is far left and other far right. Both requires the liberty sacrifice, but the difference is in the goal.
I completely agree except I have always had a very hard time actually believing nazism was right wing. It has always seemed far more centrist but authoritarian. I think nazism breaks the right/left. And I'm not alone in this. You need more of compass x/y to really understand the various ideologies.