Great job! Did you use the clues? Originally those didn't exist.
It took a very short time, I believe an hour or so.
Someone was trying to brute-force it first but humans won against machines.
I have more ideas but at the time I was new (SN was just like 20 of us lol) and I was afraid people would think I was a scammer.
Let's connect. Feel free to use any of the contact methods here:
BTW just read somewhere in the description that it took 20 hours to solve it
I only used the clue for number five.
Cool! Yeah, you’ve got some great resources there. I can’t wait to dig in some more.
Nice. Here's another project I'm doing with a friend that I haven't added to the list:
I did the FE and design. It's my first take at Svelte (quite liked it)
Wow! This will, I’m sure, churn out many very tough orange pills for people to swallow. Just gotta get this in front of the eyes of some friends and family.