I have expressed my opinion on this. I think Saylor due to his profile is very strategic about downplaying Bitcoin as competition to the USD. I don't really fault him for this. He has to be more measured in what he says than the plebs. I don't always agree with the way he describes Bitcoin but I kind of understand why he does what he does.
Plebs don't have to worry about investigations and lawsuits from SEC and IRS
155 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 9 Aug
Saylor is a great salesmen for bitcoin to the suits. For a suit he's about as based as you can hope for. IMO he is better at selling BTC than Dorsey though I think Dorsey is as based if not more.
You make a good argument. I honestly am still not sure how I feel. He's a brilliant guy, but I still smell a whiff of the huckster about him. In the end, it probably doesn't matter. HBDC
Yeah, I get the huckster vibe to. But who is he tricking? HBDC