Did you know that in the past one could win an Olympic medal for a painting or statue?

John Russell Pope, the architect of the Jefferson's Memorial, won a silver medal at the Games in Los Angeles in 1932 for his design of the Payne Whitney Gymnasium built at Yale University.
Among other significant participants of the Olympic art competitions were, e.g., Italian sculptor Rembrandt Bugatti, American illustrator Percy Crosby, Irish writer Oliver St. John Gogarty or Dutch painter Isaac Israëls.
Between 1912-1948 gold, silver and bronze medals were awarded at each Olympic Games to artists competing in five categories: architecture, painting, sculpture, literature, and music. The official Olympic rules required that submitted works were related to Olympic ideals. Between 1912 and 1952, juries awarded a total of 151 medals for original art works inspired by sports performance.
https://m.stacker.news/44725 This is painting by John Butler Yeats, younger brother of W.B. Yeats that won a Gold Medal
Could you please confirm whether it's a fun fact or a sports fact or a history fact? You're too much obsessed with Sports! What's fun! I need to confirm it from @Undisciplined and @grayruby
What's the definition of a fun fact according to you?
There is no specific subject. Only restriction I put in place is one fact per comment. Have at it.
Nice fact.
It also establishes our agenda of making sports great again! 😉