It's been so many days since the elections. Now I'm not listening much in the news about Venezuella. It seems much quite there but then there are your articles daily.
Just because you don't see it on the news doesn't mean that nothing is happening. Every day more people die fighting, every day more people are kidnapped for speaking out against Maduro. Back to the news, it's always like that, they sell sensationalism for 2 days and then move on to another topic and so on, I haven't seen any more news about Ukraine or Palestine with Israel and that doesn't mean that everything is "quiet"
That's their plan. Wait it out, hope that people forget, move on but the regime stays.
Similarly, not many people "actively" remember (or care) that the war in Ukraine is still going (for 2.5 years now).
For this reason many people are constantly publishing what is happening, it has only been 11 days, this should not stop.
Less coverage in your media/press sources does not equal things getting quiet.