homelessness is kind of a bad term because the people who are homeless arent just without a home. people have also tried to give homeless people homes but it doesn't really work. There are deeper causes but maybe that goes without saying.
i thought about how to reduce homelessness and i think you gotta round them up and throw them in shallow water every other day. At least they will be clean, but at some point, someone is going to be like ok im going to try live better. Its worth a try.
Take for example california which is still a touristy place, but with a lot of homeless ppl now! So they could make an event out of throwing homeless people into the shallow part of the ocean, make it a tourist attraction. There could even be bets on who makes it out of the water first. There should be life guards to help but only in most extreme case. Someone acting out should not get helped right away. Anyway this will kind of deal with two problems at once. It creates a tourist attraction and it also reduces homelessness.