I'm curious to hear @k00b's take in these ideas.
300 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 Aug
In the short term, we'll make crossposting work better and allow territory founders to optionally pull in nostr notes, and maybe more nuanced features like thewildhustle suggests. Specifics are hard to figure out until we're in the weeds of it though.
In the long term, after wallets, when we begin working on decentralizing, we might end up deciding to make it somewhat of a nostr "overlay" but it's too early to tell.
In general, my main thoughts when nostr comes up are: it's not as easy as "this thing on SN looks like this thing on nostr." People who don't spend any time here think of SN as just text and zaps which is a mistake.
167 sats \ 0 replies \ @nout 8 Aug
It could be cool to see a feed of all nostr posts that are tagged "#gaming" and then I (as territory owner) could curate which of those make it to the territory with a simple button click... just an idea.