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Just something to think about today.
You can't do everything in one day but even things as simple as using open source sovereign tools is something. Using bitcoin. Many other things. Taking responsibility for your personal safety. Earning and saving wealth.
You will never vote your way to sovereignty or freedom. It takes action. There are many things you can do that do not cost you anything but time. They are not dangerous. They are not revolutionary but when more people do them they have impact.
Its much easier to just sit back and be lazy. Thinking you can vote every 4 years and make some difference. I'm not telling you to not vote. But I am telling you that will never fix your problems. That's up to you and I. No one is coming to free you. It is up to you. And you can make positive change.
"When you change, only then the world will change, if you don't, the world won't."
Read it somewhere. It's the guiding principle that I follow.
What the state does is take credit for things we do. Many times cultural shifts get adopted by the state and then politicans claim credit.
I agree! We shouldn't hope into false saviours. Don't wait for anyone to save you, save yourself.
If some ruler does something positive. That's great. They still aren't gonna make you better off. Only you are in that position.
You are responsible for yourself. Bitcoin empowers you and elevates you above the fiat printers.
Yes, don't wait for a savior. Bitcoin is a tool to be free. As a christian, I believe that Jesus Christ saved my soul long ago. I don't need a savior in that regard. And then, bitcoin is here to give me financial freedom. Truly, life feels great.
shouldn't *put hope (typo)
You can't do everything in one day...
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Bitcoin is self-sovereignty, self-custody and self-responsibility. It indeed takes action to use bitcoin.
Proof of work. You gotta do the work in order to reap the rewards.
But considering people work a large percentage of their lives for money that isn't even considered good money, yet they dismiss bitcoin. The indoctrination is very strong
When I started my journey in Bitcoin, my way of seeing money 🫰, how to distribute it, changed 360 degrees and I sincerely think that I have become a new being, with a new way of thinking 💭.
Bitcoin changes you if you really adopt it and understand it.
I totally agree with you.
You will never vote your way to sovereignty or freedom. It takes action. There are many things you can do that do not cost you anything but time. They are not dangerous. They are not revolutionary but when more people do them they have impact.
I really like this one. You can make the difference by doing these things.
Reject passivity. I think in modern times it is easy to just be in neutral and there are forces at play to move us to being passive. Forces like corporations and governments. People that want us to be dependent on them. Not that our goal should be to never need anyone or anything. But our goal should be to be responsible and strong. As each person moves toward strength and sovereignty, collectively the power machines are weakened. Honestly, this has little to do with politics but politics are at play fighting this movement to taking ownership and responsibility over one's self.
Yes, yes. I totally agree. The fiat system makes fools and unintelligent of us as human beings. We've become so trapped in the system such that one could not even think about what's good for him as an individual. Truly, truly, Bitcoin is a freedom money. Without bitcoin in this world, we are nothing but slaves in the hands of the money printers. Fiat money is immoral. It is only valued because governments are forcing their citizens to use it. They threaten you with prison terms and even death. They print more of it at their own will to steal from everyone else. But bitcoin is different. It makes us become truly humans. It is valued by the free market. The high volatility of bitcoin is not inherent to it but rather it is the reflection of our attitude in utilizing fiat currencies, through coercion.
You remembered me this quote:
Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke
I completely agree with your perspective. In a world where convenience and dependency are often encouraged, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and take action, even if it seems small or unimportant.
It starts in our minds. But it needs to be done by our bodies. Human action is powerful.
If you want something done right, do it yourself.
We have the most power over our future. The idea that we need these clowns is the biggest psyop.
Pushing to move forward. Not easy but the Bitcoin rabbit hole has opened my eyes
Just imagine if everyone in the USA sunk got their paycheck in bitcoin before changing it over to fiat. Everyone would get more initially.
"...Its much easier to just sit back and be lazy..." that is exactly what they hoping for and expect everyone to do. It's the ones with brains and some determination that will say: "hang on. this doesn't add up" and will make their own choices vs. being told what to do. You are 100% right "Life is what YOU make it"!
Personally, I can confess that since I have been in Cryptoeconomics for a few months... my eyes have opened and my mind has advanced a lot and I no longer belong to the sleepers... my brother and I are being taught and now my day to day life I must include different activities from entering charting and marketing applications.. doing daily Bitcoin readings.. and commenting every moment I can on S.N.. and thus stacking my sats.. my life has changed since then..
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Voting with you feet and money are FAR more powerful than casting a ballot vote. Just one man's opinion.
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