How do you feel about this?
I'm all for it, unless it enters into fraud territory.
this territory is moderated
Absolutely. I'm also glad to see the ACLU is getting back to what it does best. I used to respect this organization. Lately, though, their positions have seemed more partisan than principled. I hope this is the start of a trend.
what about copyrights and trademarks and other forms of intellectual property infringement with deep fakes?
On second thought, we don't need new laws banning deep fakes
Let's see how this plays out
I am going to create a deep fake of a gay wedding cake at Masterpiece Bakery in Colorado
I don’t believe IP is either morally coherent or practically valuable. It’s just an arbitrary state sponsored monopoly scheme.
Edit: I like your idea at the end. Let’s see how deep these principles are.
In really hope AI destroys the idea of IP. It's truly a psyop.
Yes. Good idea
Agree. They used to defend the rights of Nazi demostrators. If you really value freedom you have to defend the rights of people you do not like.
I hope so, too.
Fraud is fraud so that should already be covered right?
Yeah, but you never know what those weirdos might be defending.
my thought exactly, I wrote before reading your comment