I might had a pivotal moment in my life yesterday:
I realized that being @undisciplined is not binary. You can be @undisciplined without going full @undisciplined. Never go full @undisciplined.
To be specific, this means that when I have hunger after the time I wanted to stop eating (intermittent fasting), I don't just eat how much of whatever I like, but focus on eating just enough so I think about something else again.
Or just because I got up late, it doesn't mean I can now slack off all day.
I love these life lessons that sound obvious after you spelled them out.
It takes discipline to be fruitfully undisciplined.
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 7 Aug
I think it's related to not let one bad decision, thought or emotion spiral into a lot of bad decisions, thoughts or emotions.
I feel like I am unfolding life itself which reveals its mundane but powerful secrets.
Very good, my young padawan.
when I have hunger after the time I wanted to stop eating
One hack is to brush your teeth after meals ( better do this after 30 mins ) , then low chance you want to eat anything after.
and back to your life lesson -- yes, e,g,. people think if you don't have a job, then you will sleep all the time or whatever, but NO, I have a way more productive life without a fixed schedule.