It's got to be weird to essentially become a gold medalist years after the word knows a different result. At least skating's prominent. There are sports like weightlifting and wrestling where the change barely makes the news.
That wasn't the only one such ceremony around the world. Latvian bobsleigh teams initially finished in 2nd and 4th place, but later got awarded 1st (four-man) and 3rd (two-man) places. It was big enough news in Latvia, as it is popular here, Latvians were pioneers of bobsleigh in Soviet Union.
I was familiar with this story because the Canadians who finished 4th were holding up the process trying to appeal for the Russians to get completely disqualified instead of dropping down from Gold to Bronze.
I read about that earlier this week, and it does seem unfair. If the Russians cheated, a DQ makes sense.
Yeah I don't get why it wasn't simply a DQ but also not sure it was worth a two year battle to still end up 4th.