Exactly, South FL is way too hot and humid for this but I could see a high potential/benefits for people who live in cooler climates. A guide to newbies and some of us in the space would definitely help though!!
buildings servicing many people, especially residential, can still use it to heat water. Even in Miami we like hot showers.
of course not denying that, love a hot shower. I'm also really interested in how mining could heat more volumes of water like pools and what not like @Bitbaya mentioned. I just don't think it would give people here many different use cases but I would have to look into it a lot more for sure. There are truly many creative people here.
Mining can be used where people rely on electric heating. This is the simplest and most obvious confluence between mining and everyday life.
They discussed this at least as far bas as 2010, arguing that mining is "free" (though not necessarily competitive) wherever people use electric heat.
Yes I just found some good quotes about it by Satoshi