non-KYC custodial wallets are a very good tool if you want to master your funds on LN, are the perfect decoy if you know how to use it and a perfect method to manage your self-custodial wallets.
This adversity against custodial services is not necessary and is working against you.
CoinOS is one of the best tools to have around, together with Walletano, Alby, Lifpay, Blink etc.
Even SN wallet can be a powerful tool...
Hey Darth, I feel like you should include my stress wallet on the next iteration of this chart*.
*just kidding, please don't kill me
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Wumbo OP 7 Aug
FYI - I get a "Error creating invoice." when trying to use the site
It's actually just a webln connection for a browser extension wallet. So you can connect your Alby and just use this as a face for it. It's also (hopefully obviously) just for fun. You can use your Alby or another extension wallet with it, but there's no utility except a different look.
All this to say, you need to connect the browser extension wallet before you can do anything.
Here's another one for a different feel.
Thanks@ you just made it simple for me. Now I know which ones are good.
I think I saw you recommending this wallet as a good option for converting on-chain sats to LN. Am I remembering that correctly?
CoinOS gives you 3 options for receiving:
Lightning on-chain Liquid
You might have to elaborate a little. I'm not sure if that answered my question or not. If I receive on-chain, is it easy to spend those sats in a lightning transaction?
They have support on Telegram
Here is the answer from the founder of CoinOS:
Yes if you deposit into Coinos on-chain you can withdraw over Lightning or Liquid and it will just work, you don't need to do anything special to convert the funds beforehand. You'll be charged a 0.1% fee for the conversion.
Very cool!
Breez is pretty awesome: it just works and is not intimidating (while providing a complete suit of lower level debugging tools)
That's my defacto recommendation to newcomers.
I've had issues with Breeze finding routes where I had no issues with other like Phoenix or Zeus. I like Breeze but that issue is one I don't want new comers to have.
219 sats \ 1 reply \ @roy 7 Aug
When did you try it last? Routing has been greatly improved recently
Been a while. 6 months probably
I understand: it happened to me too!
They have this great guide that solved all my issues.
Hopefully, they can address these issues soon.
Does breez have Bolt12 integration?
Not yet. If you really need this I would use Phoenix or Zeus.
My understanding is that Zeus has it... but only with 'remote' (ie selfhosted) CLN nodes (so you need a CLN node first).
Phoenix has pulled out of the app store. My understanding is that it can still be accessed but I don't want to 'lose a channel' as a us user easier. Thank you!
Keep an eye on and shockwallet...
Options are very limited right now :(