PayPal is a real piece of shit. 💩
Hi stackers, excuse my vocabulary but things have to be called by their names, PayPal is something I don't usually use, I even have that account due to some experiments I did in 2020 to generate money from home because of the "Plan-demia".
In the past I used the account a couple of times and no more! Just now I had an acquaintance who wanted to send me a pending payment and has used this named platform, this person does not know how to use Cryptocurrencies so that's why I agreed to have him send me that money through Paypal, knowing that they charge high commissions and that it is quite tedious to spend that money, I accepted because it was his only option to send me that money from another country.
My big surprise was that once the funds arrived, they notified me of a hold, because I have not used the account in a long time. And if I want to avoid the retention I have to send more money, otherwise the money will be held for 21 days, supposedly to guarantee my safety, what a shit! In conclusion, Paypal is useless, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are the best technology created since the internet for having the ability to send value without so many protocols between individuals and obviously without the third party as an intermediary among many other positive aspects.
If you got here, I thank you for reading this note and I invite you not to use PayPal, Use Bitcoin⚡ and Monero🥷
Thank you, stay humble and awake! 💪🤠⚡🍊
Certainly Bitcoin has become a reference in the world of economics due to the characteristics it possesses, collapsing the Fiat model from start to finish.
Certainly my dear, Bitcoin is the technology of today that came to solve how to store our energy for the future without fear of it being corrupted by a third party. Thanks for commenting, stay awake
That's how it will be, my friend.
I still use cash app. I think it is pretty great for transitioning to Bitcoin. They have lightning, and only deal in Bitcoin.
Thanks for the info, although I try to avoid third parties as custodians. Lately my job generates my earnings in Fiat like almost everyone else, but I do other jobs and there I try to get my clients to pay me in Bitcoin. For now it had been difficult to make that happen since almost all of them are non-coiners but I have opted to use LNp2pBot it is easy to buy there and I get frequent offers both for my country and for my friends to whom I have provided service in another country. They open an account in "Coinos" and they are ready to receive and then I give them my LN Alby address and that's it, they see it as copying and pasting an email address. Once I receive it, I then move it to my own custody wallet. And that's it 🤠 To the extent that I can get extra income, I focus it directly on how many SATS that extra activity will or will not leave me.