When I read the article I didn't make that assessment and it seems to me that it's not the main point of the article, but I could be wrong. I just criticize all those who say one thing today and the opposite tomorrow. I like consistency, but I also understand that sometimes we need to change if there are clear reasons.
I think Elon Musk has clearly switched political camps from Obama to Trump because he no longer likes the radical left-wing policies of the Obama-Clinton-(Biden) clan. Musk clearly sees how his country is going down the drain and is reacting to it. legitimate for me
His son became a victim of the transgender cult
This was quite new to me,until some days ago when Musk mentioned this. He really has a motive to fight this transgender disease and the political incendiaries that are using it as leverage
There is a difference between consistency and stubborn or dogmatic
Is it inconsistent to say 51 intelligence officials lied and committed election interference in October 2020?
I don't know what you're talking about.
That’s the problem
You don’t understand the censorship and election interference of 2020
Search for : 51 intelligence officials hunter Biden laptop
You are missing the point
Stay in your lane