Who are the victims? Fiat ruins everything. Bitcoin fixes the world.
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The victims are always the same... the citizens. Yes, Bitcoin solves many things but not everything.
And, even with the things it does solve, the solution is not immediate.
Thanks again for this great reporting.
Exactly. That's exactly what Maria Corina (leader of the party) wrote yesterday. She said that everything has its process and its stages, and that we must be cautious so that everything is fulfilled in an ideal manner. Many Venezuelans feel anxious and a little desperate for this to end as soon as possible. We don't want more disappointments, repression, or deprivation of liberty. We want security and a dignified life like any human being deserves. There is a feeling of uncertainty, as if it were a nightmare that never ends. On the other hand, there are negative people who only make things worse with their fatalistic comments. Ok, we must not be naive and believe that everything will end like a Disney story and that it will be a quick process without sacrifices. That would be lying. We must be realistic and not stop fighting. Thank you for reading my post.
Bitcoin doesn't solve dictatorships, don't be delusional.