to me personally mutiny never had product market fit. bitcoin is the digital 'commodity money'. but the apps and services around it make no mistake are industries and companies and that's ok.
imo mutiny or other apps like it... that try to be all things to everyone end up unfocused and sometimes doing nothing well. In my opinion the UI for mutiny... wasn't great either. It just felt very basic and not clear in what it wanted to provide well.
in my opinion what this really boils down to is phoenix 'voluntarily' leaving the united states. phoenix was the 'lightning wallet of the future' and was by far the most practical, best realized mass-onboarding lightning wallet to date that could be used by many many people. A lot of the 'pain' surrounding lightning currently... is a result of this (phoenix leaving the us market). Yes phoenix is still available... but the US is by far the world's biggest market and lightning needs the US market (apps, education, and LSPs) to really thrive.
I also believe that LSPs providing inbound liquidity increasing a 'channel size'... is really a key advancement for lightning. yes you can increase liquidity yourself on your 'own node' through an atomic swap... but a lot of people wont want to do this.
my tin foil hat says (remember, tinfoil) is that this really goes much deeper. lightning is a day to day application of bitcoin through layers and LSPs, through apps like phoenix... really realize the 0 to 1 for daily bitcoin spending. I'll let you use your imagination as to where that might lead us, long term in terms of bitcoin's relationship with the US dollar... and who might or might not have an interest in that.