Can't wait to get mine so I can start all my posts with "In the exciting world of digital currencies..."
Repairing spinal cord injuries is cool tho:
Additionally, the company said during the podcast that it has advanced efforts to restore limb function in people with paralysis. That addresses a different capability to what its device does currently, which is allow a patient to move a cursor by thinking about it.
“We actually have made a huge amount of progress sewing electrodes into the spinal cord as a potential workaround for a spinal-cord injury,” Matthew MacDougall, the company’s head surgeon, said in the podcast.
A brain implant would interact with a spine implant to create muscle contractions in previously paralyzed arms and legs, and Neuralink has already demonstrated it “in crude fashion” in anesthetized animals, he said.
am I the only one playing that old school robocop scene in my head while I was reading this its pretty interesting if they find advances in this however...however a micro chip in my where's the off switch...swear i've seen that in a movie too lol cool thing about reality it has to be a thought before it can be brought into existence
Musk provided few details about the surgery, which had to be postponed after the patient originally scheduled for the second procedure had to withdraw in June due to an unspecified medical condition.
???????? This sentence appears to be crafted to perfection: make these details as boring as they could possibly be so no one asks questions
And this Musk quote regarding how the procedure went:
“There’s a lot of signal, a lot of electrodes.”
That's devoid of information.
Perhaps I should listen to the podcast. This article mostly told me what a podcast said.
I'm very excited to see how this is improving peoples lives. At the same time I am terrified by the evil potential it has to eventually, with future versions, read my thoughts against my will. As with any powerful tool there are good and bad aspects to it. Thank you Musk for pushing the boundaries and making new things possible.
It's a dumb idea, through and through and Elon is dumb for mucking with it.
Good luck with the chippenings.
Humanity is still far away from the real breakthrough. But we are making progress.
How many of us are actually excited about this? I have a friend who has a spinal injury, hopefully this advances so he can use it.
Some things are better addressed by prayer than microchips.