I'd say that's a reasonable perspective, especially with some of the charts @TomK has shared with us. It does look like they never really got out of the previous crisis.
Brussels' answer is already on the table: capital controls, a strong surveillance state and a censorship regime, which Elon Musk is currently experiencing, and an interventionist approach to the pillars of the economy such as the energy sector or the arms industry. the European Union will also introduce a new level of financing for its own policies with the so-called Eurobonds, which will make everyone equally liable. The introduction of these bonds is a further breach of the rules, which was expressly forbidden at the beginning of the European Union. National sovereignty is thus being gradually eroded.
Tom is the Euro savant.
you would never believe how much I care about Europe with its history, traditions and culture. I am so critical because I simply want to see it flourish again in its regional diversity and regional sovereignty
May I add at this point: I do not want to have to experience Euro imperialism and colonialism any more
Your passion for Europe is evident. Keeping doing your thing.
Thank You. Imagine a new era of European humanism, based on libertarian base values...