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Thanks for posting this story
Lot of hate for Twitter and Elon Musk especially among SN users
Elon and X are still important. Yeah it's a silo, but its the only silo that doesn't just cancel people for having opinions. Of course they do feel free to give theirs back.
The conspiracy centers around an initiative called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), created by the WFA, that established arbitrary standards for the content on digital platforms where its members may want to advertise. GARM used those one-size-fits-all standards to perpetrate an advertiser boycott against Rumble and other platforms. The suit also notes that GARM has vast reach since it counts the six largest ad agency holding companies among its members, including defendant WPP.
“The brand safety standards set by advertisers and their ad agencies should succeed or fail in the marketplace on their own merits and not through the coercive exercise of market power,” Rumble’s complaint reads. “All of this illegal conduct is done at the expense of platforms, content creators, and their users, as well as the agencies’ own advertiser clients who pay more for ads as a result of their collusion.”
We tried peace for 2 years, now it's war
I have some content on Rumble, ads appear after the video is uploaded, but my video views are still low.
they're suing... for people not buying their services?
That's not who they are suing. Read the article.
Not a general Elon hater but I don't understand this one.
Suing your former customers for them not being customers makes zero sense. Can a bar sue you for not having bought a beer recently as well then?
People sue for dumber things here in the US. I just found it interesting.
“All of this illegal conduct is done at the expense of platforms, content creators, and their users, as well as the agencies’ own advertiser clients who pay more for ads as a result of their collusion.”
If Rumble really cares about its users, it should make the UI be faster and smarter.
Amazing! I hate to see Scamala as first results when I put "Trump" in shmoogle.
Scamala as first results when I put "Trump" in shmoogle.
This doesn't happen when I try it. I doubt it happens to you. Trying to spread lies about invented oppression again?
This it how it rolls on my end. You can doubt all you want for what I care.
The two suits have WFA as the lead defendant but different defendants thereafter.
The two suits have the same local counsel but different lead counsel with Rumble represented by Kressin Meador Powers LLC, a boutique antitrust frim out of DC:
and X Corp. represented by Harmeet Dhillon’s firm: