I have always thought the road this was total bs. If the romans could build roads that last, why cant we? Spain or Crete? Those sound like nice places, too. To tell you the truth, I want to live more in England or Scotland.
I was originally born in Germany and seized the opportunity a few years ago to emigrate. I love the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean mentality, the weather, the cuisine and the people. the only thing that will get me away is a bad system collapse, which I don't see happening for the time being, even if it doesn't look good
Even if it collapsed, people will just struggle though it and survive. They always do.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 6 Aug
but don't underestimate the strong family ties and cohesion within the neighborhoods in the villages down here
I feel the sense of community is stronger in european countries than in the USA. Plus, many people know how to garden in the EU.