Nic Carter is a smart guy and a good writer. I agreed with everything he wrote, but as I was reading I couldn't help wondering why he's wasting all that time and energy. Ethereum has chosen its path. It's over. He should focus all of his considerable talents on bitcoin.
Side effect of him dumping/getting dumped by the bitcoin maxis. He used to be way more active on CT, but things blew up a bit during/because of the capitulation in price. "My star will continue to rise" etc. An unfortunate turn of events as I appreciate(d) his insights on Bitcoin a lot.
The first problem is, of course, that there’s no actual slashing rule on Ethereum.
That's wrong/inaccurate because slashing in smart contracts and in rollups has been a thing in Ethereum for a long time.
The shitcoin already has a history of being no actual financial freedom. The precedent exists - maybe not on the main chain - but it does exist.
slashing in smart contracts
You probably mean censoring. Otherwise... what?
It forks and it’s doomed. Good bye all who put so much time, money and energy into a worthless centralized project….come back to your first love
If Ethereum Starts Slashing, It Forks.