Convenience is an attack on self-custody
Yes but when even cuevas (illegal money changing professionals) in Argentina store their crypto on Binance I have no hope. Convenience won. As you try to shove a spoon of sovereignty in people's mouth they turn their head away.
Fedimint? Fedimint.
It's a issue to those who self custody but not to those that do, to be honest, I think the best way to learn why bother with self custody is to get rekt and learn the value of personal responsiblity
poeple who get rekt rather turn completely away from "crypto"
and those that don't turn away just move to Binance or Coinbase or whatever
Indeed, it's been my personal experience and while I last money I paid to learn a valuable lesson
тут я с тобой согласен. это новый вид финансов. не то что б с ограниченной эмиссией. а даже с уменьшением монет каждые 10 лет.... может стоит научить всех пользоваться?
I do hope that with time and all the new content and books we have now people will start to learn with time but I don't hold out hope for the masses, there will be a collection of people who do and they will benefit greatly from learning to self custody