Is this a threat to decentralization?
I don't think so. The mining pool operator doesn't have control over the individual miners. If a pool has bad behavior miners can switch to another pool.
I would want to see the distribution of hashrate by decision-making entities, but I don't know how to get that data.
Foundry is the largest and they control all their hashrate. You and I cannot mine for Foundry.
Ah, didn't know that. Is that coz they control all the hardware or because of something else, like a protocol they run?
That’s not true. A bunch of publicly traded us miners mine for foundry. Hut 8, I think marathon, etc. they’re enterprise-focused, but they don’t own all their hashrate.
I stand corrected. However, they vet their miners before allowing them to pool. What could they possibly be offering to be so exclusive?
regulatory certainty?
Do these top 3 miners take possession of the morning equipment and warehouse them (like compass)?