This guy is pretty powerful. Joe Kernan isn't buying it. No question this would be dramatic. The conversation revolves around whether this would pump the market or cause panic.
I do think they could cut 50 basis points. Saw someone point out that doing so might exacerbate the issue with the Japanese carry trade as it would cause JPY to spike again.
Siegels just trying to sell the news, or be the first one at it so he can say he was right.
My biggest question with this is Jeremy Siegel isn't stupid like you highlighted but an emergency meeting after just speaking last week would cause so much damage and chaos that I don't see how Siegel could justify that. It would just cause so much damage to every single thing across the board.
I agree. He's getting old. The impact of him making that statement could panic markets by itself.
When it has come to the Fed the last year or so he has been fear-mongering and honestly when you do so for as long as he has naturally he will eventually be right but its been going on so long now
Cramer just said Siegel was overreacting. If you believe in the reverse Cramer rule, it looks like an emergency meeting is coming.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 5 Aug
I will say the reverse Cramer ETF that was launched last year folded after less than a year after losing so much money...
Good point.