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Religious Saviour

Although the choice to follow a religion is a personal one, there are dangers in doing so that are not quite so obvious to the average person of faith.
Throughout recorded history, many “religions” have either been started or taken over by people whose sole purpose is to gain wealth and power.
The usual trap is to instil fear, depression and anxiety that “all is lost”, into the followers, and then give “salvation” to them if they just followed the cult leader, usually in the way of penance.
However the danger of instil too much fear into the people is some will often feel they are without hope, and a man without hope is a very dangerous thing.
So, a “saviour” is often created, given false hope that “salvation” is coming, all the followers have to do is wait and continue to give penance until such time as the “saviour returns”.
This is a trap set up so you believe someone is going to save you, so you will not try and save yourself, with the modern day equivalent being QAnon, Anonymous and certain politicians.
Note: the word “religion” comes from the act of re-creating a legion of followers, after a collapse of society, older faith or war, with a Roman legion being made up of between 3,000 to 6,000 men.
Do not go looking for a saviour, as the saviour is found from within, it is you.