Would be interesting to get the perspective of someone with a better technical understanding if there could possibly be a security issue or if this is just gatekeeping.
True. I'm sure someone here can provide insight.
Could simply be a matter of it not being worth their time and effort to maintain whatever functionality would be required for the site to work with Linux. Maybe it is simply a matter of not enough people using Linux for it to be worth their IT depts time.
While you were replying I tried my backup laptop with Ubuntu. It worked flawlessly. I cannot log in with NixOs. That seems really weird.
I'm on NixOS (using Firefox) here, and I could log into my Chase account just now. I don't think I have anything special installed.
I think I have the unwrapped package.
Different user agent perhaps? Or a DRM component like widevine?
I don't think either of those. I think it might be the firefox package I installed. I think it was unwrapped firefox. I'm not up on the technicalities. That's just my guess.
That does seem odd.