The Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins outlines strategies and actions for communities to prepare for and respond to peak oil and climate change. Here are some key ways proposed by the Transition Handbook to manage the transition:

1. Community Awareness and Education

  • Raise Awareness: Hold talks, screenings, and workshops to inform the community about peak oil and climate change.
  • Distribute Information: Provide resources, such as books, articles, and online content, to educate the community.
  • Engage Media: Use local media to spread the message and keep the community informed.

2. Visioning and Planning

  • Create a Vision: Engage the community in envisioning a sustainable, resilient future.
  • Develop an Energy Descent Plan: Outline steps to reduce energy consumption and increase self-reliance over time.

3. Building Local Resilience

  • Local Food Production: Establish community gardens, support local farmers, and create food co-ops.
  • Energy Efficiency: Promote energy-saving measures in homes and businesses, and invest in renewable energy projects.
  • Local Economy: Encourage local production and consumption, support local businesses, and create local currencies.

4. Strengthening Community Networks

  • Form Working Groups: Organize groups focused on different aspects such as food, energy, transportation, and education.
  • Skill Sharing: Conduct workshops to teach practical skills like gardening, renewable energy installation, and repair.

5. Implementing Practical Projects

  • Energy Projects: Install community-owned renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines.
  • Transportation: Promote cycling, walking, and public transit; develop car-sharing schemes.
  • Housing: Encourage sustainable building practices and retrofitting for energy efficiency.

6. Economic Strategies

  • Local Currencies: Develop and promote local currencies to keep money circulating within the community.
  • Barter Systems: Establish barter networks to exchange goods and services without relying on money.
  • Local Investment: Encourage local investment in community projects and businesses.

7. Policy and Advocacy

  • Engage Local Government: Work with local authorities to support transition initiatives and integrate them into planning processes.
  • Influence Policy: Advocate for policies that support renewable energy, local food systems, and sustainable transportation.

8. Measuring and Celebrating Progress

  • Track Progress: Develop metrics to measure the community’s progress towards resilience and sustainability.
  • Celebrate Successes: Hold events to celebrate milestones and successes, reinforcing community spirit and motivation.

9. Networking and Collaboration

  • Join Networks: Connect with other Transition Towns and resilience networks to share knowledge and resources.
  • Collaborate: Partner with local organizations, businesses, and educational institutions to leverage resources and expertise.

10. Building Inner Resilience

  • Emotional and Psychological Resilience: Address the emotional and psychological aspects of transitioning through support groups and mindfulness practices.
  • Community Building: Foster strong, supportive relationships within the community to enhance social cohesion.


The Transition Handbook provides a comprehensive framework for communities to prepare for and adapt to the challenges of peak oil and climate change. By focusing on local resilience, community engagement, and sustainable practices, these strategies aim to create self-reliant, adaptable communities capable of thriving in a post-peak oil world.
This is a must read book. Be make sure to accept facts, educate and make awareness and prepare for a more unprecedented and energy transition future 🕊️