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Motor boat sailing, hot air ballooning, and tug of war all used to be Olympic sports!

Over time, different sports and events are voted into (or out of) the Olympic Games. Some disappear, then return (like golf, or rugby), while others (like running deer shooting, or duelling pistols) go out of fashion forever – thankfully!
I we had a stacker news tug of war who would you want on your team?
I'm ready. We're gonna compete with the latest team ever.
Logic: Turd- dunked on Julius Peppers Blok- from Buffalo, must be tough Pub- Played pro paintball, gotta be quick and a good strategist need- big strong dude Car- looks like a big strong dude Bell- scrappy loves to spar on SN so I assume he loves to spar in meatspace as well.
I gave a thought about you. I had a chance but that's okay. I've some muscle πŸ’ͺ πŸ˜‚ as well.
Bills fans are good people. So are Minnesota fans. Unlike Philadelphia and Boston
Agree. Philly, especially Eagles fans, are the worst. Boston fans are knowledgeable but arrogant. Sorry @needcreations_
Haha I'd be honored. I have a great tug of war record through my schooling and teaching duties. Most schools have a fun competition day towards the end of the year πŸ˜„
I knew we could count on you.
I've a match to match in @k00b. Surrender now!
I think the zaps on both our comments should decide the outcome of this short SN tug of war. What do you say? Or, should we make a bigger team? Or should we ask Stackers if they like to play a virtual tug of wars on SN??
Good question. Let's think about this.
Okay. I suggest we create a game where two sides shall compete each other. There shall be two teams. The Stackers shall decide which team they wanna join. 10-10 or 15-15 players shall be max. We play it weekly. The side that posts the most valuable (have to be decided on number of factors) content wins.
Semi pro :/ but also... I do lift XD hit 200kg DL for the first time the other day was well happy with that.
Cheers for the vote of confidence πŸ‘Š
Me love to spar?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I can’t spell spar unless it’s a female boxer from Algeria
You like to mix it up. Aren't afraid of a scuffle. You're on the team now, too late to back out.
Never backing out.
Never back down!