Oh! Now I see why government was trying to produce more jobs in government sector. They already knew it that the job matket will be weaker in coming days and they didn't wanna risk their election campaign.
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Correct. The government has tried to save itself by crossing the finish line here until November. apparently that doesn't work so well after all
Obviously, they have just opened some thousand positions. I doubt if they complete the hiring before November. This government should be ashamed of trying to cheat people on it.
And they are financing this stupid charade with tax payer's money and inflationary tokens
They are gonna lose thes elections for sure! You see the wind is blowing in the direction of a change everywhere. No government will repeat in developed world. And I'm a bit optimistic that new government will think of people's welfare.
But thanks to mass media propaganda, made for a totally retarded public, Kamala is catching up now....