There are two ways to look at it. If Biden gets all of the economic positive credit that started because of policies Trump laid down then I think Biden gets all of the inflation credit as well. It has been spun as if Trump caused the inflation but Biden saved the economy and I mean that just doesn't work.
I look at it more so from the COVID pandemic, which required a surge of government dollars to keep everything from collapsing. However, the rollout and implementation of it wasn't good hence the whole fraud issue. On top of that in Biden's 4 years his admin and Dem Members in Congress have prevented a lot of the unused funds from being clawed back. This would help lower the cost of everything since there are billions and billion in unused funds just sitting there. Using this money that is just sitting around would help slow down the money-printing machines in the US.
All of that it say is Trump caused some but it was required to prevent an economic collapse. The Biden Admin fumbled Trumps already enacted plans and then refused to take back unused money along with spending hundreds of billions more getting us in this situation.
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