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My wife has asked me to set her up with a website for her business idea.
My goal is to make a parallel version of it that accepts only Bitcoin as a payment method. Promote it in the Bitcoin community and (hopefully) show her that there is a market for it, with people looking to spend their Bitcoin.
What's your goal to help with Bitcoin adoption? And do you have ideas that other people could easily implement?
Later this month I am hosting a Bitcoin workshop in Tokyo for beginners (In Japanese! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) on Bitcoin basics, including why Bitcoin is important, wallet and self-custody fundamentals, and an overall general intro.
With the failure of the Yen here I am really hoping to spread the word about Bitcoin and how people can custody it themselves.
Is the guy behind the Diamond Hands lightning node still active in the Japanese Bitcoin scene? At some point, it felt like any Bitcoin initiative was related to him in some way or another...
Looks promising by the way, good luck with the Meetup!
Not sure about the specific node runner, but Diamond Hands are pretty active still and host an awesome Lightning flea Market regularly. This workshop is just me though!
Yeah same person. I heard good things about that market. And he was an amazing node runner when i was still doing it...
Good to see it's more than just him :)
Seems like @DiamondHands used to be an SN user...
Epic! Will show my landlord how easy it is to use Bitcoin and pay rent in Sats.
show the landlord this: https://www.zap.rent/ or https://airbtc.online/ btw... I pay my rent in sats from 2018 directly to the landlord
Wow that's dope!
https://askdarth.com ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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Ok I am in. I am going to Orange Pill my new neighbour. He is an Ironman athlete. Proof of work should come natural to him. Maybe eventually I can even get Stacker Sports to sponsor him.
Former Ironman here. LN QR code visible on his trisuit next time, i promise it'll pay for his overpriced entry fee...
teach fellow bitcoiners to use lightning more, normalize lightning payments for everything - beers, grocery shopping, even gas.
I shared and zapped bitcoin adoption initiatives, more precisely the use of LN in merchants. That was it ...
Those initiatives cost money, you did you part!
I'm gonna keep on doing what I've been doing. I'll be talking to my students and will be telling them about Bitcoin and finding some occasional interest among them to join SN .
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 2 Aug 2024
I'm thinking about doing a community workshop in the local library. The most basic stuff like making a cold wallet, restoring it, adding a passphrase, and some lightning stuff. I want to keep it hands on and not go too much into why bitcoin?
Not sure how much interest is out there but I've been think about it for a while. The issue I have is do I want to be known as the bitcoin guy during a mass bull market
I've been posting SN articles to Minds, in the hope of luring some new people in.
I'm also continuing to chisel away at my wife's bitcoin hesitancy.
What's your goal to help with Bitcoin adoption? And do you have ideas that other people could easily implement?
Stay humble and stack sats
First a fall best of luck for your work.
What's your goal to help with Bitcoin adoption? My idea with bitcoin adoption is that we need to teach people who doesn't know about bitcoin or it's advantage some countries are still not accepting crypto we have to introduce
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