I'm definitely not at a point where I'd feel comfortable with this myself, but this does sound like the sort of future science-fiction tech that we should eventually have as a part of our lives.
This is pretty cool but I don’t think I will be signing up any time soon.
This is great, IMO. Personally, I have more faith in a machine than many human dentists I have known.
A proof that a dentist school is not good choice for our children anymore :D
This news is crazy. Science getting more and more advance. This is eara of Ai so every work will be possible in this eara although I would not feel comfortable with this
I agree with what they say in the comments... I find dentistry or dental processes difficult to handle by a robot since they are very complex... and it is quite true that people go to the dentist when it is the last resort and they cannot stand it. more the pain!! At that moment, they have just attended the office... and I find it difficult for a person who is in intense pain and desperate... for a robot to generate confidence... in any case, it is something positive in terms of technology since the progress can be seen. .. and in medicine, more and more doctors are needed...
It's amazing how technology is advancing and covering more and more areas of our daily lives.
Can you imagine if it makes a mistake? Drills out the wrong tooth? ouch..
Obviously wouldn't want to be a test subject, but automation very quickly matures to be less prone to error than a person... not to mention people that let issues fester due to capacity/cost
The only solution to the healthcare crisis worldwide is when you go to a hospital and 99 times out of 100 never see or talk to a person at all
That's a good point, especially since some people really let dental issue fester, even more than standard medical ones.
I guess we will have to wait and see how accurate this robot is.
Give the tech a few weeks to mature and it will make fewer mistakes than humans.
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