I just want to say that my current residence is Lima Peru... a capital with quite insipid landscapes... but with good and honest people... it's been 7 years and my native country remains the same and without the intention of being pessimistic or not very optimistic in that The country I come from, nothing is going to happen either today or in the next 30 years, it is a dictatorial government... that is supported from all legal and illegal sides... and the poor people who are inside there suffering and unable to do anything. . a dictator with the economic support of the first oil reserve in the world... the international support of powers like China and Russia... and in addition to that from the hidden or illegal side the support of the drug cartels that lead South America and that They want Venezuela to continue that way since its location on the map is very effective when it comes to sending drug shipments! Now you will tell me how that government comes out with votes... excuse me but dictatorships come out with blood... bullets... and deaths... unfortunately that is how it is...
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I'm not saying the opposite, I don't even think that things will improve in the short or medium term, but give yourself every drop of energy I can so that the butterfly effect of the universe puts these scourges where they should be, slaughtered in the streets, every force of energy that each one can put and count, now I really see the desperate genocidaire, and we will continue doing what is necessary, if there is someone who does not want to do anything, respect it but call for silence.