One of the best black metal songs ever :)
The calm of the thunderous calm has broken.... The thunderous cry of the tribes. All that is near and dear is twisted, Like a pillar of sand in the distance of other times. And me? A dead shadow... An unanswered past.... But where is it? Is it gone? Unspeakable, the call of other lands. There are waves of light. Everything close and dear to me is swirling, Like a pillar of sand in the distance of other times.
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This is great. It's been a hot minute since I've heard black metal, I was more into death when I was younger but I gotta give props to the artistic melodic sound to black metal artists.
and by the way, this track is based on a short poem "War" from 1914 by Russian poet Andrei Beloi.
This is great. It's been a hot minute since I've heard black metal, I was more into death when I was younger but I gotta give props to the artistic melodic sound to black metal artists.
About five years ago I used to listen to extreme Norwegian bands a lot and every now and then I find bands that make the genre more interesting.