With the noticeable decline in inflation, the debtor countries will very soon lose a not insignificant part of their tax revenue base. Let's see how our green socialists react when the tax no longer gushes forth, as if from a stupid spring!
Are European populations shrinking yet?
That's when you'll be in the real fiscal death spiral.
It's shrinking. But we have the solution: illegal mass migration of analphabets
I'm sure they're diligent tax payers.
If you don't have papers, I doubt you care about having your taxes in order!
The government will just find another way to get the money. They always do, it seems.
This may be the finical colaps for us. But I think us can handle this situation although I am not sure about others countries
They seem not too worried because they know that there were many worse times and changed into better ones within some time. Politicians don't give a shit to recession, inflation, stagnation of economy, people's woes, nothing. What they truly care about is how they can churn out maximum of taxes from people. In fact that's how these monkeys wanna grapple their share of fiat. But these aren't old times where people had no choice than fiat. Now we have bitcoin and when and wherever this fiat show is over, BITCOIN WILL TAKE OVER.