I despise Paul Krugman because he is just another patron of Adam Smith and a slave of Fiat merch.
He was given the Nobel Laureate for he was considered the best of his time to uphold a fiat scam. Here are a few of the proofs that he doesn't even understand the ABC of sound money.
"To be successful, money must be both a media of exchange and a reasonably stable store of value. And it remains completely unclear why bitcoin should be a stable store of value."
Lol! First he says money should be then rejects it! Crap!
"There might be a potential equilibrium in which bitcoin remain in use mainly for black market transactions and tax evasion, but that equilibrium, if it exists, would be hard to get to from here: once the dream of a blockchained future dies, the disappointment will probably collapse the whole thing."
Again, Lol! And he again fails to understand! Black market and tax evasion even existed before Bitcoin. A good dream never dies.
So true! Krugman is a disaster for economics. Love your take!