this is the part people don't understand: the US isn't engaging in these wars for adventurism and fun, not even to sell weapons (that too, though), and if it quit, it would be better off, spending that war money at home. No. The US lives as a freeloader off of cheap to free resources, work, and products from the rest of the world, which it gets through dollar hegemonby and neo-imperialist expoitation. the rest of the world knows this quite well and wouldn't let itself be robbed like this if it had a choice. The wars are there to make it so these robbed countries don't have a choice. When the US loses this power of intimidation and destruction, which is it just about to, the US doesn't just magically regain trillions for spending at home. The US economy then rather ceases to exist as it does now.
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You would be right, if that was the truth. I don't mind personally to become a Viking Raider and go on pillaging spree, we can't even do that right. We always half-ass it and leave money and equipment behind. What did we get out of Iraq? The fact that we had to tap our oil reserves tells me, we did a shitty job over there, otherwise you would be paying $0.99 at the pump. I really wish we would raid and pillage (jokingly of course) at least we would have something to show off for...
Too much political correctness detracting from the spoils of war or pillaging
I am not so sure I would rule out the US's intimidation and destruction. One of if not the biggest issues we have had in recent wars has been our commitment to civilians and rules of engagement. Russia, Hamas, etc. they do not follow that and just carpet bomb or even go out and purposefully attack strictly civilian targets. Bus stops in Israel and children's cancer hospitals and malls in Ukraine are not military targets at all.
do you actually believe this? the kool aid is coming out of your ears, friend. In the Iraq War, civilian casualties stand between double and six times those of the Ukraine war. Afghanistan has similar numbers.
In Gaza in only half a year, the ENTIRE place was razed to the ground - half of buildings are destroyed, that's half of ALL houses people live in - and conservative estimates stand at 40,000 killed, which would be 16 times the civilian death toll of Ukraine - and that's conservative, because the health services don't operate anymore and nobody has given a count in at least 4 months, the real death toll is probably 4x that.
The US empire razes to the ground what it disapproves of. The US has invented carpet bombing and has always regularly done that. it has done so in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos - you know the pictures, everyone does - and in Korea alone, the US bombing campaigns razed a third of the country to the ground.
There is no comparison to anyone else in the world.
Alrighty you done fucked me up with this response because honestly somehow you managed to destroy your own premise that the US's intimidation and destruction abilities.... I mean crap man you found pictures and graphs that I could use so thank you!
Also notice you are trying to compare military engagements with US troops to those that do not have US troops which isn't exactly equal because even within the Russian invasion and the Israeli war those are two different battles.
Now getting to the things you pointed out.
  1. I said recent wars... not sure how old you are but unless you are in your 60s or 70s like my father Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos were literally a lifetime ago. Korea 70 years ago... again not remotely recent especially if you factor in the numerous other conflicts the US has been involved in.
  2. Gaza has gotten pummeled that is 110% true but that is urban warfare. That is what happens when you have a terrorist org like Hamas launch rockets from next to a house then they don't even get out of Gaza and hit someone else's house. Lets look at the infamous "Israel bombed a hospital" example. The Islamic Jihad launched missiles from next to it... they misfired.... they hit the hospital parking lot. Over 470 civilian deaths none caused by Israel.
  3. Now regarding the "Gaza Health Ministry" that is a Hamas, a terrorist, run organization. From the onset, their data was iffy, to say the least. Not only do they not differentiate between civilian deaths caused by them from the common issue of missiles misfiring but their numbers have been proven to be wrong. The AP did a whole investigation and showed that what Hamas was trying to highlight did not make any sense with their own numbers.
  4. Circulating to the Russian Invasion now when comparing the Russian invasion you are forgetting a few critical things including, that we have no idea who is alive or dead in occupied areas the only areas we are aware of are those under Ukrainian control, the war is entirely different, Ukrainian civilians often have left these front line cities which means that these deaths are even worse because these strikes killing them are nowhere near the battle.
  5. For a country that you claim razes structures so well Iraq's major cities Baghdad, Mosul, and Fallujah look pretty darn good... Afghanistan literally was an active warzone up until the day we fled and has never been nearly as developed as compared to other countries making it more difficult to equate with developed areas.