In short no. The owners of the government (elites) are not loyal to their countrymen. They are loyal to their own bellies. They will continue to seek to enrich themselves cloaked in lies like protecting democracy, protecting mother earth, and global "free-trade". The truth is they don't care about any of those three things.
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I believe Trump will be the next US prez but the main reason he wasn't buried long ago is because he will increase military spending. He may be less interested in starting conflicts or stirring up Russia or China but I believe the MIC will do very well under his rule. He's far more of a realist than and idealist when it comes to foreign policy. I mean if you can even say he has any ideology. I think the realist position on international relations is the most practical and simple way to look at it. Its about resources and power. I believe this is the way China and Russian rulers view the world as well. When you understand how your enemies think you are more successful at combating them.
If I were an evil elite I'd want a constant threat of WW3. The world on a knife's edge. Sell arms to everyone. That's the world we are in and I don't see that changing until the U.S. loses it power to fuel these wars with fiat.