On the surface at least Tulsi Gabbard would appear to have all the right qualities for a woke party. She has diverse ethnicity (Samoan American) she’s female and she embodies the strong female heroine archetype - she was in the US army and served in Iraq. She’s also highly intelligent and capable.
So why don’t they want her?
Here was Rogans take talking to Michael Malice.
JOE ROGAN: “Well, it just shows you that what they're looking for is not what they say they're looking for.”
JOE ROGAN: “Because she [Tulsi] is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice in a medical unit. So she got to see people blown up by the war. She was a congresswoman for eight years.”
JOE ROGAN: “She is a person of color. She's everything you want, all those things you want, and you don't want her...
MICHAEL MALICE: “because she's not for war.”
JOE ROGAN: “Yes, well, she's also just not willing to play ball. There's a game that's being played, and if you're like, hey, you're not supposed to f—king move the ball. Like, oh, look at this bitch over here. Like, get out of here. You're gonna f—k up our game. It's not real democracy. It's controlled parties.”
Yes, a very controlled party. Two of them, in fact.
Hillary called Tulsi a Russian asset so it must be true since Hillary is an honest woman