Arianna Huffington is the co-founder of Huffington Post, so of course, I’m interested to learn what she has to say. Apparently, “Thrive” came about because of her successful commencement speech she had given at Smith College in 2013, so I need to follow through and check out her speech. I dare say that this book is worth your read even though it was published a decade ago. Arianna likened our drive for money and power to two legs of a 3-legged stool and suggested that we need to prioritise well-being, wisdom, wonder and giving and develop these traits collectively as the Third Metric to lead a balanced and purposeful life. She dives deep into each aspect, offering scientific findings and quote-worthy words from authors who have published monumental books.
I’m particularly drawn to the appeal of 20 minutes. According to her research, 20 minutes is required for one to benefit from a meditation session. It’s also the benchmark for our brains to send out messages that we are full. This makes me want to sieve out other instances of the impact 20 minutes can achieve.
Though the part that left the most profound impression isn’t her eloquent exhortations on the importance of sleep or meditation or compassionate giving. I was digging into French fries yesterday while reading her sharing on her mother’s passing. She used that to illustrate how singing can reach a dying person’s consciousness because his/her hearing is one of the last things to cease functioning. This reminded me of my mother’s last day on earth - and how we had sung to her to bid farewell.
With the passing of time, intense memories fade, and honestly, I don’t even remember my mum’s death anniversary in some years. To be brought back to that hospital room and reminded of this poignant event - well, I’m glad that I read “Thrive”.
Through this book, I learnt the meaning of the word “ersatz”. I believe the context in which I learnt this word is a good way to end this review: “The ersatz urgent has overtaken the truly important.”
Always keep in mind the truly important.
Nice review. It sounds like she provided you with some valuable life hack information. I must mention that she is not without controversy. She founded The Huffington Post, which she no longer owns or is affiliated with. It was a progressive/liberal answer to the Drudge Report. She has been accused of using unpaid blogger's articles without compensation.
I have not read Drudge Report since 2016.
Me neither. It's taken a complete left turn because of Trump.
Living outside America, I don’t get this kind of perspective into US-based authors n appreciate your inputs very much!
Ersatz means an inferior substitute?
Yes! Did you learn this word because of this posting?
Yes and no
I heard the word before but forgot the definition
BTW I cannot stand Arianna and the Huffington Post. She used to be conservative then around 1999 she became leftist.
Her husband ran as a Republican in 1994 for US Senate from California. He lost to Feinstein in a very close election.
Wikipedia says she has 2 kids from her ex husband. I am skeptical because he is gay. He was also gay in 1994 and before.
Haha thanks for dishing the dirt on her
It's a nice review, especially the word 'ersatz' which also fits on Ariana's writings. She may have sold a few million copies of her books but she has been a content thief.
Huffington was accused of plagiarism for copying material for her book Maria Callas (1981); the claims were settled out of court in 1981, with Callas' biographer Gerald Fitzgerald being paid "in the low five figures.