I'm also very skeptical of a BRICS currency. The persistent demand I see for non-dollar currencies comes from countries who are cut off by US sanctions. Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela all still have economic ties to the rest of the world and something other than dollars has to facilitate that.
All of those countries though have incredible internal issues they are having to deal with on a consistent basis which makes it even harder for a partner to take the government at the time at its word. Putin while he still seems strong is dealing with a war that he has to continue not because he even wants to but because if those soldiers come back home and have to deal with the economic conditions they will rise up. \
Cuba is essentially an island that is closer to the US than anyone. Without the USSR they had to work to forge better ties with the US and those have led to huge demonstrations. With Venezuela, we say the Petro fail and now they cut ties with what 6 or 7 Latin American countries surrounding them yesterday? They wont be able to North Korea themselves because they cannot provide food or power for themselves.
I get that they're all a mess, but that doesn't have anything to do with my point. They can't dollarize, unless the sanctions are dropped.
Off topic, but thank you for highlighting the existence of this wonderful resource on another platform. Perhaps without you it would not have been possible to get here.