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Here in the US we receive different accounts, depending on whether the source is from left or right media. Right media is covering the story more or less as you have related. Left media is calling this an attempt at a US CIA "color revolution" coup. Is there any way for you to judge the popular support on each side? I understand you are not there.
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The truth belongs to those who tell it. Obviously the leftists are not going to admit the atrocities they have committed, we do not need to talk, the facts say more and the proof is there, legitimate and transparent. The communists also say that being rich is bad, do you think the same?
Me? No. I'm a capitalist.
Great. Back to the question, let him judge the popular support. It is true that years ago, when Chavez was alive, there were a large number of supporters, but as the years went by it was diminishing. Today there are still brainwashed or brainless Chavistas/Maduristas, and I apologize for being derogatory, Chavez knew what he was doing. He manipulated the population very well, the most vulnerable, illiterate, and they saw him as a God. Today, June 30, 2024, popular opinion has changed drastically. The burning of Chavez's statues speaks for itself. That had never happened before, even in neighborhoods that were once 100% left-wing. Today, they basically no longer exist. They managed to open their eyes and are expressing their discontent.
I hope I was able to answer your question, if that was what you were wondering, sometimes I don't translate well and I understand something else.
Yes, that's what I was looking for. Thanks for all this great information.
Siggy47 is one of the good guys, not the enemy
I will tell you who the enemies are such as OliverWeiss
Yes, he seems like a good man judging by his posts and comments.
Lol, making enemy lists again? I like OliverWeiss. Clear headed guy, is capable of having nuanced views instead of simple minded populism.
He is an elitist who is divorced from reality He is a socialist who supports gun control. He also supports unfettered immigration and is an apologist for violent criminals.
That makes him the enemy.
This is my first list of enemies of freedom
color revolution like Ukraine in 2014?