The main reason they're losing viewers is because there's an extremely high correlation between progressive messaging and bad storytelling. Progressive writers approach storytelling from the wrong direction. Instead of allowing the plot to flow from the world and the characters' motivations, they decide on the plot which is meant to portray some social narrative, then create characters to fulfill pre-designed roles within said narrative. The characters therefore feel one dimensional, lacking in nuance and relatibility.
Let's face it, the biggest reason people stop going to see woke movies is because woke movies suck and woke writers suck.
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Michael Moore 'documentaries'
Seinfeld had a rule: no lessons, no morals
Good contrast there.
Jesus told a lot of stories... I think He was on to something there.
No hugging and no learning
I botched the quote slightly
Very true. The movies suck
Even the article, talking about how Twisters would be a perfect setting for climate change messaging, is an example of this mindset.
No, just because the movie is about tornados doesn't make it the perfect setting for climate change messaging. Because why would the townsfolk facing down the tornado be worried about or care about that stuff? They're worried about their lives in the moment, not some theoretical chain of causality that led to the day's events that they have no control over.
See, the progressive logic is like "oh, this movie is about A, which is related to B, so let's message about B!" But they never think about the actual characters in the story and what their actual concerns would be.
It's honestly pretty absurd if you ask me, and I can only hypothesize that it comes from university English departments that are more concerned about teaching current political fads than timeless truths about human nature.
or university film departments and schools