Yesterday, the CNE (National Electoral Council) proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner of the presidential elections. It was a complete electoral fraud, since there is evidence of the legitimate results, of Venezuelan citizens protecting the polling stations with their lives. Even an accomplice of the dictatorship was so stupid and shameless that he took a photo where in the background you can see the REAL RESULTS of these elections. The blue color represents the candidate Edmundo González and the red color represents the dictator candidate Nicolás Maduro
In all segments of the population in Venezuela, Edmundo González won over the tyrant Nicolás Maduro, according to the exit poll by Edison Research. Maduro committed massive fraud and the world knows it.
After the obvious results, they have the audacity to declare Maduro the winner of the elections.
To celebrate their "victory" they did it in the best style that a narcissist and psychopath would do, with a small group of tyrants and unscrupulous thieves.
Venezuela did not remain silent, today all the towns, neighborhoods and cities have spoken out against him. Some places with peaceful protests and other places with aggressive protests. I will attach the links to today's videos from different parts of the country.
In turn, different countries have given their support to the Venezuelan opposition and declared the actions of the communist party to be fraudulent. The countries that support Edmundo González and Maria Corina Machado are: -Javier Milei: "DICTATOR MADURO, OUT!!!
Venezuelans have chosen to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for him to recognize the defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death.
Argentina will not recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces will defend democracy and the popular will this time.
Freedom Advances in Latin America."
-Rodrigo Chávez Robles: "The Government of Rica categorically repudiates the proclamation of Nicolás Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which we consider fraudulent. We will work with the democratic governments of the continent and international organizations to ensure that the sacred will of the Venezuelan people is respected."
  • Jose Raul Mulino: "Panama joins the general rejection of the electoral results in Venezuela. We hoped that the popular will would be respected, but this situation was ignored. We will act individually and collectively in favor of Venezuelan democracy. We will announce measures that we will adopt in accordance with inter-American rules in the next few hours."
"Ecuador rejects the lack of transparency in the elections held on the 28th of July in Venezuela. The absence of guarantees in the process of publishing results, which reflect the will of the Venezuelan people, delegitimizes and vitiates the results of the elections.
Ecuador calls on the international community to ensure that the Venezuelan government fully and transparently verifies the elections, with the participation of impartial international observers."
Panama and Peru suspended diplomatic relations with Venezuela, withdrawing their ambassadors from the country.
Statement by President Gabriel Boric on Venezuela:
“The elections must be absolutely TRANSPARENT and VERIFIABLE by international observers who are NON-PARTISAN with the government. Until this is done, we will ABSTAIN FROM RECOGNIZING IT”
-Bukele: "GOOD MORNING to the brave people of Venezuela who expressed themselves yesterday for a Free Country while a small usurping group wants to remain in power due to a mega Fraud.
International organizations know what happened yesterday in Venezuela as well as the Venezuelan people themselves."
Protests across Venezuela:
Caracas There is no celebration, what is heard is the spontaneous banging of pots and pans in the eastern neighborhoods of Caracas that in the past supported the revolution, now reject it with votes and protests.
Miranda The symbols of the Chavista tyranny continue to fall. This is Valles del Tuy, Miranda state #FraudInVenezuela
I received this video from the San Antonio residences, located in La Bandera, where alleged PNB officials are seen removing tires from a parking lot.
The Attorney General of the dictatorial regime of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, accuses Lester Toledo, Leopoldo López and María Corina Machado of planning a hack against the CNE transmission system.
In a press conference, Saab said that the attack was carried out from North Macedonia and that “it was intended to manipulate” the votes. “Fortunately this action was avoided, but they managed to pause the reading of the final bulletin. They wanted to adulterate the minutes themselves. We have located and identified the main leader… Lester Toledo.”
this territory is moderated
What do you think will happen next?
I am uncertain, there have been protests before, but this time everything is different. For example, before the protests were held at the call of the political leader of the opposition, but this time it was innate, it was a union of the population, the people are no longer divided in two. It has been difficult to overthrow them because all the entities with war equipment and weapons are with the dictators, they do not defend the people (which is their duty), they defend the politicians, they are damn traitors. How do you fight with people who have war tanks and weapons, while your group only has stones? The only solution I see to this is that the criminals who have weapons (there are many) unite, but I understand that they are with the government too, or I don't know if there are some who no longer want them, I have seen several videos, which I will post in the comments in a moment. I hope that everyone will go to Miraflores Palace where all these rats are and round them up until they resign, but it will be quite difficult, there is a high probability that there will be bloodshed. I really don't understand why they haven't hired snipers to eliminate all this scum at once or take advantage of one of their meetings and throw a bomb at them, everything would be faster.
As long as the military supports Maduro, he has power?
So the military must stab Maduro in the back, literally?
The power belongs to those who have the weapons, unfortunately. If the guards were impartial as they should be, then the dictatorship would never have existed.
There is a reason Chavez prevented private citizens from procuring and owning firearms and other weapons.
I hope people who support gun control can wake up and see why their position is stupid and dangerous. Anyone who supports gun control should be shot.
Exactly, Chavez was a dictator but he was not stupid, he ruined a country in an intelligent way.
The citizens got complacent
They voted for "equality"
They were gullible
I can't deny it. How to fight? How to fight against people who have weapons equipment and you find yourself heartless?
Anyone who supports gun control should be shot.
Is that a target?
Am I a target for you then?
What is already happening will continue to happen. Venezuela goes even deeper into the hole.
What do you think is the solution?
The grasp on power Maduro's party has is very, very deep and they will not leave peacefully. Let's put it this way.
Lead and blood is the solution. We know it.
Lead and blood is what is keeping them in power too.
Yes, that's something we know. I'm just saying that, it's difficult to overthrow a dictatorship when the government has all the weapons and war equipment and the people only have stones...
URGENT: The Venezuelan dictatorship has just announced that it is suspending its diplomatic relations with Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
It is going to withdraw all its diplomatic personnel and demands that these countries do the same with Venezuela.
If you needed more proof the election was rigged, there you go.
You can already tell shit is running uphill. Once things are in motion dictators either have have to become more blatant in their oppression or give up. Attempts to cling to the status quo almost never work.
God speed to all the Venezuelans fighting to restore their country. Fraudulent elections must be uncovered and the perpetrators punished.
Amen. We all wish for the rebirth of our country. Thank you very much for your words.
They are fucking sons of bitches. This is the problem, civilians don't have weapons, it's not a fair fight.
Hard times for Venezuelans. I am actually surprised that after all what happened to Maduro after the elections in 2018 and the thing with Guaido, that Maduro with all his repression power allowed for a regular elections, and that he "won" with some 51% only, 51% really?
To be able to say internationally that they are a "democratic" country
I guess so, yeah, but who buys this still? (except for Russians, Chinese, and whatnot Mickey Mouse states). But this could explain 51%.
Democrats have the same playbook for November
Lol. Do you believe that the last elections were stolen as Trump repeatedly said?
Yes, it was a sham election
Biden did not receive 81 million clean votes
Do you believe left wing talking points that the election was clean?
So ridiculous. If I win, all good. If I don’t win, it is because the elections were rigged and stolen. This is happening all over the Europe, too. Shenanigans yelling already before election about how the election is going to be manipulated just to prepare their herds of idiots.
Do you have source data for the vote counts over time? For the U.S. specifically. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia
I want to see the data too!
As the day progresses and I have new information with videos about the protests, I will publish them in the comments of this post.
The election was strongly manipulated. They even close the borders with Brazil which received thousands of refugees so the people fleeing Venezuela could not return to vote. Voting centers were patrolled, police disrupted people waiting in line to vote, and all sorts of intimidation were at display
Yet it was supposedly a "very close" election. What a sham.
A party with narcotrafficking ties is keeping a country hostage and nobody dares to intervene.
Everything you say is correct, I made a post about it #626469 showing the intimidation by the National Guard and Carabineros. Yesterday, despite everything, was a beautiful day, full of hope, joy and unity. Unfortunately, innocent lives were lost of people who only wanted the best for their families.
This was seen coming from afar, much encouragement to Venezuelans who wanted to change the country's course, but the system is rotten from the depths.
Thank you very much for your support. That's right, you're right, it's a problem that needs to be eradicated and it won't be easy.
A Venezuelan woman was wounded by buckshot fired by Maduro's henchmen in Montalbán, Caracas. Maduro has ordered the massacre of the Venezuelan people. It is time for a massive popular rebellion. I call on the military and police to disavow Nicolás Maduro. Seeing this fills me with anger and sadness, it makes me think of my mother and grandmother. They are innocent, calm, hard-working women who only want a better country and to be able to meet their children and grandchildren who live in exile again.
This is happening in the San Jacinto Redoma in Maracay, Aragua state. Maduro promised a bloodbath and he is fulfilling it.
Thousands of Venezuelans tired of Maduro's dictatorship have taken over the Simón Bolivar International Airport in Maiquetía. Never before has there been such rebellion in Venezuela. Venezuelans, let's stay in the streets until we overthrow this tyranny. Long live a free Venezuela!
#BREAKING | At 5:20 pm in Caracas:
Protesters remain near Miraflores Palace and do not withdraw despite shots fired by Chavista groups.
30 min ago Armed groups shoot at anti-Chavez protesters on Urdaneta Avenue in Caracas.
governments are evil, both party are bad.
104 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK 29 Jul
Looks like Maduro's done the moment some high rank military backs the protest. And it's growing fast.
It would be one of the best things that could happen, it would be a glorious checkmate.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I wish there were something we can all do
Thank you for reading my posts. Physically we can't do anything (maybe) but being aware of the truth is important.
Bakery 🥯 gives away free bread 🥖
It's totally true!! Thanks for keeping up with the news. I'm already writing today's post with updates
Hugo Chávez's statue was just torn down in Venezuela. The people are rising up.
This is where the U.S. is headed if we don't have ballot watchers and a free and fair election! It is critical to vote, and volunteer this election cycle!
Defend your votes!
URGENT: In Barcelona, ​​Anzoátegui State, Venezuela, the National Guard and the State Police hand over their weapons and shields to the protesters and join them. The military and police are waking up and rejecting Maduro. If this continues, Maduro will fall! I see it and do not believe it
I saw video of the protests and toppling of Chavez statues on Twitter. Wishing the best for Venezuelans.
Yes! They have torn down 4 or 5 statues. They are burning and removing everything that has the face of Chavez and Maduro. Thank you very much for your good wishes.
9:05pm: One person injured and one person dead in San Francisco, Zulia state. Nicolas Maduro continues to bathe Venezuela in blood
HISTORIC MOMENT: This afternoon: In tears, police officers take off their uniforms in the Carirubana mayor's office, Punto Fijo, Falcón state, to join the protesters #FraudInVenezuela I hope it's not a trap.
terrible. I am thinking about the Venezuelan people today, sad day I hope for the end to this tyranny soon.
Amen. We all want to be free, to live in peace and with dignity.
"If the Venezuelan dictatorship tries to enter the Argentine Embassy in Caracas, it will be taken as a declaration of war."
OMG! clown world... sad for people.
Venezuela, my country, is currently going through one of the most difficult moments in its history, knowing that the elections have been stolen and that they have wanted to mock us in front of us.
I know, it hurts me a lot too. I'm Venezuelan.
Prayer 🙏
#NOW 5:40pm Protesters set fire to Maduro's billboard, Guacara #Carabobo
They begin to repress in Caricuao with pellets and tear gas
New governor - no choice, no choice! New president - no choice, no choice!
What can we expect next
CIA operation?
This is looking very bad there, Be safe, friend! I have been onto the Venezuelan elections because I take interest in world politics and it was looking like a clear victory for Edmundo. Within just two days why happened, I don't know!
When people lose their fear, dictators lose power
Let's just pray for Venezuelans for the best! This needs to stop. The cruelty must have a limit. I've come to know about innocents being murdered ruthlessly on the streets! The big nations need to address this, especially USA.
The big nations have always ignored us, they are not the solution. I appreciate your concern and good wishes.
Biden made a mistake by lifting sanctions after Maduro 'promised free and fair elections'
I'm not sure that there are any protests at all till now. But yeah, if protests breakout from either side, the other would respond and there will be a situation like civil war..
are you kidding me?
Civil war is better than status quo
Will he step down?
A similar case also occurred in Indonesia, allegations of election fraud emerged after the victory, and prosecutions began to emerge after the victory results were announced, there should have been action before there were winning results, for those who felt disadvantaged there was still legal recourse. to be tried.
There is no legal recourse in Venezuela because Madura controls the courts
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