A corrupt leader is anyone who holds a position of power within a government and uses their influence to gain an unlawful advantage for themselves or someone else. This advantage can be in the form of money, greater influence or political favors. A common example is the embezzlement of funds that come from public projects or schemes and flow into one's own pocket.
Acts of corruption are an affront to the ideals of a healthy democracy, and that is why corrupt leaders fall out of favor in their countries, and some are even officially charged with corruption
They were all the highest leaders of their countries.
So, tell SN, who do you think was the most corrupt of the following? I know it's a bit odd but every country had one!
Mohamed Suharto (Indonesia)25.0%
Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines)25.0%
Viktor Yanukovych (Ukraine) 0.0%
Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaire)0.0%
Sani Abacha (Nigeria)0.0%
Najib Razak (Malaysia)25.0%
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbia/Yugoslavia)0.0%
Jean-Claude Duvalier (Haiti)0.0%
Pavlo Lazarenko (Ukraine)0.0%
Other ( Write in comment box)25.0%
4 votes \ poll ended
Corruption is an evil that has been present at all times and moments in the history of the world, leaving death and destruction in its wake.
Lula, Brazil
biggest corrupt in human history
Not one from either of India or Pakistan!
That's some list. Is genocide a special kind of corruption, say as opposed to corruption that results in not-necessarily-intended death?
Milosevic was kind of special in my mind.
Najib Razak
you missed the biden clan.. but yes, Burisma havent paid THAT much..